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Hulk Services

Clearing Method

Because all the columns are floated, this layout uses a clear:both declaration in the footer rule. This clearing technique forces the .

HULK Services
Moving Trucks Tractor Rentals Trailer Rentals
MetroVan Single Axle Tractor Dry Trailer
City Van Tandem Axle Tractor Flatbed Trailer
Refrigerated Van Tandem Axle Sleeper Refrigerated Trailer
MetroVan Single Axle Tractor Dry Trailer
City Van Tandem Axle Tractor Flatbed Trailer
Refrigerated Van Tandem Axle Sleeper Refrigerated Trailer

Logo Replacement

An image placeholder was used in this layout in the header where you'll likely want to place a logo. It is recommended that you remove the placeholder and replace it with your own linked logo.

Be aware that if you use the Property inspector to navigate to your logo image using the SRC field (instead of removing and replacing the placeholder), you should remove the inline background and display properties. These inline styles are only used to make the logo placeholder show up in browsers for demonstration purposes.


By nature, the background color on any block element will only show for the length of the content. This means if you're using a background color or border to create the look of a side column, it won't extend all the way to the footer but will stop when the content ends.

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